Friday, August 28, 2015

Why I did not get to pass out the seeds this year!

All was ready for my neighborhood walk, writing down each house number on the streets so that I could make note of who I visited with and shared the door packets.

I had not been feeling good and was short of breath. The very day I was to start hanging the packets on the doors, I woke up knowing I could not walk a block, much less my usual 2 miles walk.
The doctors treated me for bronchitis, but after a month and not getting better we discovered I had internal bleeding which left me acutely anemic and put me in the hospital.

So the evil forces won that one battle ... no seeds now as it is nearly fall. New plan of action is being developed! Praying for the Lord to tell me what to put on the door hangers instead of seeds. If anyone reading this has an idea, please share with me. I am ready to be out there meeting and inviting my neighbors and the entire city to meet Jesus!

Our job is to spread the word ... let's get it done!

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Pictures of the Seed Door Knob Hangers

Here is a picture of the front and back of the door knob hanger. I am not too good at getting great pictures,
but this gives you the idea of what they look like until you see one in person.

View as shown hanging on the door with front side facing.

This view is of the back side which will actually be facing the door.

My First Seed Planting Experience

As I was putting together this mission/ministry idea and making a poster for the church describing the plan, I had one extra Seed Door Knob Hanger. I took it to one of the neighbors across the street. I don't know them well. Brian, Becky and their child about 1 year old, Madeline. That was on Tuesday.

This morning as I headed out for my walk, I prayed that God would put some one in my path to talk to about Him and or this ministry. As I walked down the street and turned the corner, there was Becky!!!! Because I am timid and not sure about my ability to disciple others, I said a quick prayer for God to give me the words He would have me say. She was pushing a stroller with Madeline and holding the leashes of their two dogs. The first thing she said was *Thank you for the seeds*. I told her she was welcome and asked if they had a church. She said *My husband is Catholic, but we do not have a church yet.* So I invited her if they would be willing to come and check out my awesome church. She said, *I will talk to my husband and we just might.*

If you are reading this please say a prayer for Brian, Becky and Madeline. Pray that they find a close relationhip with God. Pray also for this ministry and that the Glory of God shines brightly as He changes lives!

I am excited to see what He will do next!

Project Reaching Out and Planting Seeds


Using something I did as a realtor years ago, I have come up with an idea for reaching out to the approx. 18,000 people in Lebanon that do not attend a church. I had about a 5% (5 out of 100 people) positive response rate when I was contacting people,  but I am not putting any limits on what God can do!

 THE PLAN:                                                                                                                               I am starting with my neighborhood, as I have only lived here a year and know few of my neighbors.  Many of you said all of your neighbors go to a church, so my suggestion is pick a few blocks in town and target them. I would suggest making your target 100 people and get to know them before adding to your list.  You may make it a goal to contact 5 per week or whatever is comfortable for you.

To find out names you can use and use the reverse address to find people for free.  You enter an address and will get names of who lives there.  It may not be current, but gives you a starting point. I am willing to help you if you need help. I think the church has some maps as well. If several people are interested we should coordinate so we do not duplicate or overlap.

I found that contact about 3 times a year was not annoying to people. However, some will tell you right away to not contact them and you need to honor that. So my plan is using the Seed Door Knob Hanger (example next to this flyer) and put on a house door if they are not home, if they are I can introduce myself and hand it to them.  For Easter I have a card I will take to them and again at Christmas time. You can be creative and make these yours or I would be glad to share my items with you.

I also walk this area at least once a day, praying over each house and I also will add each name to my prayer list and pray for them each morning.    If you are interested in joining me in this ministry please contact me.